Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising is a broad category that includes all ads that reach consumers while they’re not at home. Ad pieces like billboards, posters and transit ads all fit into this category. Because of this reach, you can find OOH advertising everywhere once you leave your home, according to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America.

Unlike other media formats, out-of-home advertising continues to see a positive growth rate. While radio and TV ads are going down, the projected growth for OOH advertising in 2019 is estimated at over 2.5 percent.
The benefits to OOH advertising
There are many arguments for businesses to include OOH advertising in their marketing strategies. It’s unlike any other method of advertising in that it can’t be clicked away from or simply ignored. When driving down the road, most people can’t help but check out the billboards they pass or give a quick glance at the posters up in their regular subway or bus station. OOH advertising is one of the few ways to promote your brand that isn’t consumer controlled. Other benefits include:
- Predictability — you know exactly where your ads will go up, which gives you guaranteed access to your audience. In busier areas, that access could be as frequent as daily.
- Customization — the level of control over design and coverage allows you to truly tailor your OOH advertising strategy to your needs. You pick the locations where your ads will appear and in what format. You decide the length of an ad will run and are able to base your plan off demographics and geography for a more targeted approach.
- Visibility — an ideal medium for the big, colorful messages brands are trying to get in front of their audience, OOH ads can’t be hidden. They can’t be blocked or skipped unless someone wants to put their hand over their eyes while driving. Their level of visibility far exceeds other mediums.
With all of these benefits, it’s good to understand what specific elements make up the category of OOH advertising. Regardless of which ones you incorporate into your outdoor advertising strategy, they all give you the targeted reach unique to OOH.

While you may initially only think of the static, large billboards that line most major highways and pop up at downtown intersections. However, this category of OOH advertising is actually much more diverse. Especially with today’s technological advances, billboards have come a long way. The biggest perk is the sheer volume of consumers you can reach with a single ad. In cities like Atlanta, where daily commuter traffic is heavy, a strategically-placed billboard along the highway could hit a huge percentage of your audience both as they drive to work each day and as they come home. In addition to traditional billboards, you can also take advantage of digital billboards, posters and bulletins.

Digital billboards
Offering more flexibility within the same reach potential as traditional billboards, digital options have the unpile ability to make changes on-the-fly. Instead of putting up a single, static message for your brand, you can create a series of messages that cycle through over any period of time. You can countdown to a big sale or event with a new message daily or offer up one ad as people go to work and another as they head home. The versatility of digital billboards allows businesses to develop more intricate OOH advertising campaigns.

Smaller than traditional billboards, posters help you target your local audience where they live, work and play. Their design lets you get an advertising message out quickly and allows you to mass print if you’re planning on putting up the same poster in multiple locations all at once. Located around traffic arteries, posters are typically seen by both pedestrians and people in cars in the commercial and industrial areas of town.

While you may see this option and think of something small, like an apartment community bulletin, printed on a single sheet of paper, in OOH advertising, it’s the exact opposite. OOH bulletins are the largest standard-sized billboard. They provide maximum exposure along highways and main roads for visibility that can’t be matched. Because of their size, the level of creativity you can incorporate into your ad increases. You can add three-dimensional elements or incorporate moving parts. Billboards you see with an extra piece extended off the main ad are also possible.

Transit advertising
Just as billboard advertising targets commuters who drive to work each day, transit advertising reaches the portion of your consumer base who take public transportation to get around. Not only will transit advertising hit the daily bus riders and subway goers, but it can also target tourists. Focusing on busy parts of town where there is a lot of foot traffic, advertising options in transit areas have a lot of potential to promote brand awareness and impact profitability. Each type of transit — subways, busses and taxis offer different opportunities to advertise.

Subway systems provide advertisers with an opportunity to reach consumers at multiple points in their daily journey. People get exposure to ads up on station walls, wrapped around subway trains, and sitting inside a subway car. Ads go on the walls at eye level inside a subway car for those who stand during their rise, as well as along toward the ceiling for seated passengers trying to avoid eye contact with others. If a business plans properly, using subway ad space can help launch a campaign that triples their exposure.

Busses work a lot like subways with the added bonus of catching the eye of pedestrians in addition to those waiting for and riding on the bus. Ads can go up in bus shelters and on the outside and inside of busses themselves. People using this form of public transportation get exposed to OOH advertising in these locations, but so do those who pass a bus stop walking to their destination. People in their cars notice ads on the outside of a bus as they stop beside each other at a red light. The amount of views an OOH ad on a bus gets can well exceed expectations.

Like busses, taxis give business an opportunity to advertise to riders and those who simply notice them driving by. Ads are most commonly placed on the top of taxis. They light up at night, so that many people see an ad first when hailing a cab. Some ad placement is also available inside cabs, on the back of the driver and passenger side seats. Since most people don’t have much to look at while riding in a taxi, there’s a high probability they’ll engage with an ad.

How to narrow down the OOH advertising options
Now that you see how many choices you have when incorporating OOH advertising into your marketing campaign, you may feel overwhelmed with narrowing the list down. There are a lot of options, and certain ones will align better with your advertising goals. Working with an outdoor advertising agency, experienced in matching client needs with available outdoor ad space is essential. At Effortless Outdoor Media, we spend time getting to know you and understanding your business goals before working alongside you to locate the best and most visible OOH advertising. Whether it’s billboards, posters or covering a subway station with your business, our decades of experience in the industry help you get the best deal for the best location to make OOH advertising work for you.
For the best billboard and outdoor advertisement prices, placement and service contact us now at info@effortlessoutdoormedia.com and we will respond within 24 hours or less. We are the best billboard company in Atlanta.