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Costs Of Buying

There are a vast number of considerations when it comes to buying a billboard. First, you must determine your target audience. Then you have to locate a billboard space where your audience tends to traffic. Lastly, you have to determine the dimensions and design of your ad’s contents. This is all before you take the […]

Highway Vs Surface Street

The options for outdoor media extend to both highways and surface streets. Is there a distinction to be drawn between the two? While both are billboards, their locations can imply more specific differences. Listen above as Bill breaks this down, and read below for a more detailed look at outdoor media. Surface Street Advertising So […]


There is a lot of value in advertising that can guarantee you impressions. Once you know your target audience, you can appropriately plan for your ad’s locale. You’ll want an outdoor media partner that does its due diligence. This will ensure that your ad is placed in the most visible locations. Certain obstructions, both man […]

Choosing A Billboard

So you’ve decided that buying a billboard is right for your company’s marketing. If it’s your first time, welcome to world of outdoor media! This is a wonderful option for increasing your brand’s awareness. You can be sure that your message will reach whoever passes your ad. Still there are many considerations to remember when […]

Using A Digital Billboard

Outdoor media has long been a strong tool for targeted advertising needs. The visibility of a billboard allows businesses to ensure their message is seen. It’s rare that you to go without spotting one, whether on the highway or on surface streets. But does this mean that every company looking to advertise should use this […]

The Future Of Vinyl

Outdoor media is one of the most recognizable forms of advertising around. Billboards have a long and varied history, and their future looks to continue as such. The past has seen the rise of both static, and billboards. But are both guaranteed a place in the future? Read on to learn more. Are static billboards […]

Digital Ad Changes

There are many things to keep in mind when getting an outdoor ad. The potential costs and considerations last well beyond your initial purchase. One that requires a decent foresight are possible ad changes. Both static and digital ad changes have their own set of implications. Learn more below. The process of changing a static […]

Static Vs Digital Billboards

Out-of-home-advertising refers to the age-old practice of outdoor media. From every highway to surface street, across all cities, you are bound to pass a billboard. Almost all your favorite brands makes use of outdoor media to stay fresh on consumers’ minds. These efforts come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and make-up. The two main […]

Why Billboards For Web- Based Companies Yields Big Time Benefits

Southwest Airline Billboard Atlanta

Why Billboards For Web- Based Companies Yield Big Time Benefits When you think about billboard advertising what businesses come to mind? Is it the local pest control company, HVAC repairman or the diner down the street? We often think of billboard advertising as a spot for local businesses to gain more traction. It’s also a […]

How to get a great deal on a billboard

Getting a great deal on a billboard is a misleading statement. A “great deal,” in most cases means getting something for less money than you originally expected, but when it comes to outdoor advertising, the definition is a bit different. Outdoor advertising is about how to find the right combination of billboards, posters, transit ads […]