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Billboard Success In The U.S. Second Best?

Our last article focused on the country with the highest billboard revenues.

You can check that out here. Today, we’re taking a second look at that list to see who comes in at the next highest slot. It turned out to be our very own USA.

The renowned agency Clear Channel Outdoor holds the slot with their revenues in 2020 earning their spot on the list in earnest. They managed to see almost two billion dollars in earnings. With the amount of indoor advertising available in these modern times, it’s saying something that it still was able to clear such billboard success.

Success In A Year Of Crisis

Just as we mentioned in our previous article, the fact that this feat was reached in the same year that COVID made its biggest impact is incredible. This is, of course, not to make light of the inherent tragedies that occurred.

Instead, our aim is to show the staying power of an already century-plus old form of media. Even agencies like the noted Clear Channel, based in the states, are able to expand their reach into international segments of their brand. Clearly, there is still a demand for this format.

Effortless Outdoor Media

Your brand deserves to be seen. However, with so many competing forces vying for the attention of the masses, it can be hard to cut above the noise. It takes a keen eye for detail, and having something that people will want to buy. Then there’s still the matter of actually getting in front of them.

Let Effortless Outdoor Media make that introduction. Our quality billboard advertising is credentialed and dependable. We’ll help get your brand in front of a larger audience, further increasing your chances of a sale or conversion. Contact us today to learn more!

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