Let’s look at an example of a previously erected billboard and what caused it to be taken down. The concern boiled down to the actual billboard messaging.
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Our first example comes from a series of billboards targeted in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The multi-add set had the best of intentions, however their execution was a bit flawed. The overall takeaway was meant to be a positive message encouraging the abolishment of poverty.
But, the group responsible coded their messaging in a way that was unsympathetic to those stuck with financial strain. In short, it placed the majority of the blame on the individual. At the same time, it ignored some very real structural hardships that deserve the lion’s share of that blame. People were reasonably offended, and the backlash caused a complete overhaul of their messaging to be more digestible and inclusive.
It’s important to consider these restrictions and potential audience response when creating you board.
Regardless of how you may feel about the message, the goal is to gain conversions. Offending your audience is the fastest way to render the effort useless. Take time to ensure your messaging is reflective of the actual societal state of things.
Looking for help creating the perfect billboard for your brand? Contact Effortless Outdoor Media today! We’re on hand to bring you the best and brightest resources this industry has to offer. We look forward to hearing from you!
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