Highway Vs Surface Street

A wide variety of very popular billboard advertisements

The options for outdoor media extend to both highways and surface streets. Is there a distinction to be drawn between the two? While both are billboards, their locations can imply more specific differences. Listen above as Bill breaks this down, and read below for a more detailed look at outdoor media.

Surface Street Advertising

So who benefits most from ads on a surface street? As Bill notes in the clip, those looking to market to a local base should consider this option. This is obviously for those who’ve determined their target audience. If there’s a locale that your demo frequents, you can’t go wrong with a well placed billboard.
Bill cites real estate agents as an example of a field that would benefit greatly from this. Any district or regionally-based efforts generally fall in the category. That’s not to say the same companies wouldn’t benefit from highway ads as well. But, it is of note that this option is likely a bit more targeted to their needs.

Highway ads

As stated, local efforts can benefit from highway ads. But, if your efforts’ targets are wider by and large, highway ads are your best best. “The interstate board usually rates 5 to 10 times as many impressions as a surface street board”. This is attributed to the many number of drivers guaranteed to travel the interstate. So for those targeting larger, metropolitan markets, a highway ad increases your visibility.

So, what are the next steps for outdoor advertising?

Now that we’ve established the best locations for your billboard, it’s time for the next step. Effortless Outdoor Media is here to help guide you through outdoor advertising. We can direct you to the best ad options for your company. You can visit us online today to schedule a consultation!

Clip Transcript:

Jason Sirotin:

Hi, I’m Jason Sirotin, and today I’m speaking with Bill Hobbs, who is the owner and proprietor, managing director, everything of Effortless Outdoor Media, which is a outdoor media advertising placement company. When people are making a decision about their board, how do they make the decision between a highway board versus a surface street board?

Bill Hobbs:

That’s a great question. The way to make a decision if they need a board on the interstate or the highway or something on a surface street is, there’s a couple parameters. One would be, if you’re trying to reach local traffic. Let’s say you’re a real estate agent. You just want to get people right in your area, or if you’re a gym and you want to get people within a couple mile radius, you would put a board on a surface street that’s going to target local traffic. If you want to target the entire city, then you would put up an interstate board, because, for example, if you use Atlanta, people are driving all over the city on interstates, so you’d put an interstate board up. The interstate board usually rates five to 10 times as many impressions as a surface street board. A lot also, the interstate locations are more expensive, so it depends on budget as well as who you’re trying to reach.

Jason Sirotin:

Bill, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us today. We really appreciate it. If you’re interested in learning more about what Bill has to offer, you can visit him online at effortlessoutdoormedia.com, and you can email him at bhobbs, that’s B-H-O-B-B-S@effortlessoutdoormedia.com.




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