While most commuters may take an aggravated read through the recent article from the AJC sharing the cities with the worst traffic, billboard advertisers feel just the opposite. Longer commutes and higher traffic volumes are two data points to get excited about when deciding to utilize out-of-home advertising because they mean more people see the ad. Even if they’re not in the best of moods, volume is the key thing to look for when selecting the location for outdoor advertising.
OOH billboard advertising by the numbers
According to data collected by a recent Nielsen study, billboards continue to make an impression on commuters. 40% of study participants visited an advertiser because they passed their billboard and 24% made a purchase. In Atlanta numbers, based on an average commuter size of 372,455 people, that equates to almost 150,000 people shopping because of a billboard they saw while waiting in traffic or commuting to work, and almost 90,000 transactions. That’s a return on investment worth getting for billboard advertisers.
Additionally, the survey notes that half of all viewers of an OOH advertising piece are highly engaged with the ad to the point that they’ll most likely recall it later. This statistic, while not focused on follow-through speaks to engagement, another key metric for billboards.

Atlanta ranks high for long commutes
Looking at two different commuter categories, Geotab assessed a collection of major cities to establish average commute time, singling out those with the longest. In Atlanta, for those individuals riding MARTA buses or trains, the average commute time is 53 minutes, just one minute behind the top city, Los Angeles. Having the second-longest average commute time on buses and trains gives public transit riders in Atlanta ample opportunity to check out your transit posters at bus stops and MARTA stations as well as on and in the vehicles themselves.
For car-based commuters, those living in Washington D.C. have the longest commute. Within this category, Atlanta ranks fourth with an average commute of 35 minutes. Breaking things down even further though, 94% of Atlanta’s 370,000+ commuters get to their destination within an hour with only 34% arriving within 30 minutes. Those numbers are highly beneficial for billboard advertisers considering outdoor advertising as part of their overall marketing campaign. Commuters provide a captive audience that’s inclined to look around, especially when stuck in traffic. They could see your billboard or poster along their commute if placed strategically.

Accessing the right data
In order to know where your OOH advertising is likely to have the greatest impact, it’s important to partner with an experienced company. Effortless Outdoor Media provides unparalleled expertise in billboard placement throughout metro Atlanta, right in the areas frequented by large quantities of commuters. With a full-service, customized approach, EOM takes the time to assess your needs, recommend billboards in the ideal location, and assist you with designing an eye-catching and effective billboard. Visit our testimonial page to learn how we’ve helped clients just like you create the perfect outdoor advertising strategy for billboard advertisers.
For the best billboard and outdoor advertisement prices, placement and service contact us now at info@effortlessoutdoormedia.com and we will respond within 24 hours or less. We are the best billboard company in Atlanta.